Discipline is the prime concern of the school. It is said If DISCIPLINE is lost EVERYTHING is lost. To build a brilliant educational career, discipline is important.
The school expects unreserved co-operation from parents in maintaining students', discipline and believes in maintaining discipline, which is neither regimental nor oppressive.
On first late attendance in a month, permission chit to enter the class has to be obtained from the Co-ordinator. On second late attendance in a month, a note will be issued to the parent by Co-ordinator cautioning the student. On third or more late attendance in a month (which will be reckoned as habitual), a record will be made in Minor Default Register and action taken by Discipline Committee, by inviting the parent. In case the student is late beyond 15 minutes, entry will not be allowed into the school and students will be sent back home either summoning the parent or with an escort.
Absence without a leave note or prior permission from the school, or repeated absence, even with parents' note, are considered irregular attendance. For single day’s absence in a month, a note will be made in School Communication Book for cautioning, if no leave note is given in Communication Book by the parent. For consecutive absence beyond one day, without approval, a note will be issued separately to parent by the Co-ordinator asking for justification of absence, by way of cautioning. For absence of three or more consecutive days without approval, inquiry and disciplinary action will be taken by Discipline Committee. For absence due to ill health, a Medical Certificate should be produced by the student.